Diamond Painting
Diamond Painting
Diamond Painting contains neither diamonds nor is it painting. It is fixing tiny colored acrylic bits on sticky canvas. I call it "substitute crafters cross stitch" or "acrylic stick by color code".
I saw these a few years back as I wandered the aisle's of Michaels. It was Christmas time and I wished to make one, but the price deterred me from making the purchase. A week later an office colleague whined that she and her sister got two and after 5-secs she found it distastefully tedious.
Wow! Here is the Universe granting me my wish to try my hand at it! I offered to complete it for her and convinced her that she was doing me a favor!
The very first one - Rose in crystal glass bell - a very Phantom of the Opera feel to it.
First Diamond Painting!
Cannot live in New England and not do one of fall colors
Pastel Rose and Hydrangea bouquet
Another autumn forest walkway. A gift for my sister.
Lazy summer by the lake with one of my favorite trees - birch.
New England snow birds
Gold finches on cherry blossom tree
Parrots on palm tree